Dear Members,
I would like you to read this incredible story of weight loss written by one of our own members in his own words. I find Tony to have an amazing amount of courage and relentless drive to have achieved what he has done today.
It was about a year ago that I took a aqua Zumba class at the redwood health club. The the teacher there at the time quit and went to the new star center. So I took a couple classes over there that I really liked a lot. Then the Redwood health club closed its doors altogether so then I became a member of the star center. I was taking aqua aerobics at the star center but the teacher that was there was longer doing aqua Zumba. So I kept doing aqua aerobics with the ladies in the pool. During my time there, which I called walk bys, what I mean by this is I was walking by the Zumba classes at the star center. I told the girls at the front desk that I would to try this Zumba class. So I took a Zumba class and it was so much fun that I kept going. At first the ladies would go right and I go left. I was so determined to get it right but I found out later that there is no right or wrong there’s just a couple of rules to Zumba. Those rules are one you have to smile and two you have to keep moving so even in the beginning I was still doing it right. When I first started I weighed about 355 pounds and now about a year later my weight has dropped down to 245 pounds. I feel great! Oh yeah there’s one other thing you should know. Did I literally have two left feet? The reason why I say that is because I have cerebral palsy and I’ve had two operations on my left foot. So if I can Zumba anybody can! It’s not really working out because I’m having too much fun to call it a workout. The only thing I can say is that you need to get up and try it but give it two or three times. Try different teachers, even try aqua Zumba, or just try a regular Zumba class. It is changing my life and it is so much fun that I forget that I am working out. Just try it!!!!
Written by Tony Anderson