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Dangrrr Doll - The 6th Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival

Posted by DJ Dr.Of Love
Dangrrr Doll performs in the 6th Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival, presented by Rick Delaup. Filmed by Anthony Ratcliffe, Stephen LaMarche, and Chris Michel. Edited by Stephen LaMarche and James Usher of For more info on the burlesque festival, visit DANGRRR DOLL (NY, NY) The Twisted Beauty of Burlesque, Dangrrr Doll is a multi-award winning performance artist known for her stunning costumes and unique interpretation of burlesque. Hailed as “high concept” and “defiantly weird” by Burlesque Beat, Dangrrr brings classic beauty combined with pop culture savvy and a dose of heavy metal to the stage. This NYC-based bombshell is also the co-producer of RAWR! Burlesque and Nerdlesque Festival.
Posted April 27, 2015
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